Apparently I could make it as a carpenter?
There is not much to go into since the last post as my life as just been more of the same. I did manage to get the rest of my hours...

Update Time!
This semester has been super hectic so it has been a little while since I have updated this blog. For a quick update I have got quite a...

Short Recap of a Long Semester...
I got 36 of my hours at the Washington County Animal Shelter. I really enjoyed it this semester and I spent time in both the cat room and...

I survived another semester!
have managed to complete the rest of my forty hours at the animal shelter. It has been pretty much the same stuff as I've put in my last...

Almost there!
I now have twenty six out of my forty hours needed this semester, Fourteen of the new hours are from the shelter while one of them is...

Off to a Good Start
This semester I am volunteering at the Washington County Animal Shelter. I have already volunteered a total of eleven hours and I have...

The Art of Saving a Life
I have slacked on this blog a lot this semester, so here is my attempt to catch up. First, we talked about what we get out of service....

My Personal Project
This semester in our class we have to do twenty hours of extra service. The difference is that this service is for our own person growth....

Where am I going?
In class we spoke about where we want to go in life, how we plan to get there, and what it all really means. In my mission statement a...

More Volunteer Adventures
I am WAY behind on recording my volunteer hours, but I now have 38 out of my 40 hours. -I did 8 more hours at Jellico Family Museum -I...