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Where am I going?

In class we spoke about where we want to go in life, how we plan to get there, and what it all really means. In my mission statement a few posts ago, I stated that I want to help people. This is naturally reflected in what I want my life to look like one day. In class, we did an exercise where we closed our eyes and pictured what our lives would look like in the future. I was surprised by some of what I pictured if I am being completely honest. I saw myself in a house with a job I am passionate about and excited to go to, which is pretty straightforward. Surprisingly I saw myself with a child, which is odd because I never really considered having kids. The rest of this vision seemed to represent what I expected. I was in a career field where I was helping people and making a difference in peoples' lives.

All of this boils down to me just wanting a happy, good life. Every time a conversation about this topic comes up I think back to something my grandfather told me when I was little. He said that he wouldn't change a single thing in his life and that if he had to do it all over again he would happily do so. That is all I want to be able to say when I'm in my seventies, that I am happy with everything I have done.

We spoke about how a successful life is one where you achieve your goals in life and are happy with how you have lived your life. I think this is important in having a happy life. Even if my goals change over time, as longs as I feel as if I accomplished something meaningful then that would be a successful life.

I have came up with three concrete things I can do to have the life I want:

1. Over the next few months, I am going to spend more time with my family.

2. In the next few years, I am going to graduate from college and try to travel more.

3. In the next decade, I am going to get a job that I will actually enjoy.

I am going to do my best to achieve all of these goals, because I believe they are all reasonable things to want.

I finished out my volunteer hours at the Coalition for Kids, so now I have 40/40.

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