Apparently I could make it as a carpenter?
There is not much to go into since the last post as my life as just been more of the same. I did manage to get the rest of my hours though! I finished off the last 15 hours helping to build a storage building for someone back home. I spent a lot of time going up and down a ladder and standing on scaffolding, which was a little scary in the beginning but I eventually got used to it. I was working with my mom so it was really nice to spend time with her and I was really proud of what we accomplished. I had built smaller projects before, but nothing to this scale so it was super exciting and rewarding to be able to help make something from the ground up. I also went to another Women on Wednesdays, though this one was for Psych Speaker credit. It was on the opioid crisis in Appalachia which I found really interesting. My home town has a lot of drug problems, so the information resonated with me more than most of the other presentations I have been to.
The plan for the rest of the semester is to just try to buckle down on all my assignments and actually manage to study for all my quizzes and exams. On a better note, I plan on going home with weekend and just spend time with my family and get a jump on the holiday decorations which will be super fun! Overall, I have had another stressful month but I have somehow managed to stay on top of everything, so cheers to the small wins I suppose.