Almost there!

I now have twenty six out of my forty hours needed this semester, Fourteen of the new hours are from the shelter while one of them is from volunteering at the Party at the Park with the Criminal Justice Society, I didn't really do much down at the park but it was still fun and I got a free t-shirt out of it.
On a more exciting note, I have really enjoyed volunteering at the shelter! We're in the middle of kitten season so we are overflowing with cats. The shelter is actually at full capacity right now, so if anyone wants to adopt now is the time to do it because the adoption fee is so cheap. There has also been a lot of people coming in and adopting which is fantastic! (To the left is a precious little baby that cried until I held him for fifteen minutes)
Most of this post is just going to be pictures because that's much more exciting. Below are some of the little ones that have came through in the past few weeks. Most of them are still available, and all of them are really sweet and just want to be held.
Last week one of my favorites got adopted! Her name is Willow and she would always meow when I walked past her cage so I would open the cubby door. Then she would crawl out onto my shoulder and rub her face against mine. She is a very sweet cat and I am extremely happy that I got to be there the day she was adopted. It's been hard the past few weeks to really spend much time with any of the cats just because there are so many of them, but the other volunteers and I are doing our best to make sure they all get the attention they deserve.